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Job scheduling for Next.js

Queuebase is the easiest way to schedule and run background jobs in Next.js

Everything you need to run your jobs

Background jobs are hard. We've done the tricky parts for you, letting you focus on what matters.

Next.js Background Jobs

Run background jobs within your Next.js app. No need to setup a separate server.

Status Monitoring

View the latest status of your jobs within the dashboard and get notified when they fail.

Deploy Anywhere

Your jobs run on your infrastructure, giving you the flexibility to deploy to any platform.

Start scheduling jobs in minutes

Queuebase was inspired by the developer experience of tools like tRPC and UploadThing. It focuses on being as simple as possible, letting you starting scheduling jobs in minutes.

Code step 1


Define your jobs

The first step is to define your jobs.

In this job, we're saying "Hello" to whatever name we passed in. Then, we export our jobs object to be used in our code.

Code step 2


Configure your endpoint

Next, we create a new endpoint in Next.js (using the app router) that exposes a POST endpoint.

The POST request is what Queuebase will call when executing a job.

Code step 3


Create your job client

The job client is what you use to interact with your jobs. It's what allows you to queue and run your jobs.

Code step 3


Run your job

Finally, we can run our job!

Our job will be queued in Queuebase. When it runs, Queuebase will make a POST request back to our app that includes the name of this job and it's payload. And yes, jobs can be queued from both the client and the server!

At the very end, we should see "Hello, Brock" printed in our terminal!

The best way to schedule background jobs in Next.js

Best-in-class DX

Queuebase leverages the power of TypeScript to provide a tRPC-like API for defining your jobs

Own your infrastructure

Your jobs run on your infrastructure, giving you the flexibility to deploy to any platform

Job insights

Track key metrics in your job runs and analyze performance

Application instances

From development to production, we give you everything you need to manage application instances

Automatic retries

Tell us how many times you want a job to try and run, and we'll take care of the rest

Run history

View your job run results at any time and re-run right from the dashboard

Status alerts

Get notified when your job fails, so you can fix it quickly


Capture logs from your jobs and view them in the dashboard


Schedule jobs to run on a schedule. Supports CRON syntax

Background jobs in Next.js are hard.

The idea to build Queuebase came to me after a lot of frustration trying to do background jobs in my Next.js apps. No solution I tried really felt right to me. They were either overly complex in terms of setup or barely maintained. I set out to build a simple yet powerful solution for scheduling background jobs in Next.js, one that all developers could use and enjoy.

Queuebase is still new and under active development. However, if you're looking to add job scheduling to your Next.js app and you're interested in trying my product out, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via Twitter or Email.

I would be happy to offer a 6 month pro plan free in exchange for your feedback!

- Brock Herion
Creator of Queuebase and founder of Orbitech Software Solutions

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the an answer to your question? DM me on Twitter and I'll be sure to help anyway I can!

Get started scheduling jobs in your Next.js apps today.

Start scheduling for free. No credit card required.